Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kuyperian Gardening...

A fairly accurate moniker for my gardening methods. "Every square inch" is, or will be covered with plants of some sort.

The garden is growing very well. Still major problems with slugs this year, but the germination and growth of all my plants is pretty incredible and I should get very good yields. If there were no slugs, yields would be even higher. Next year, I will have to invest in some some sharp sand to keep them out. For now I use beer traps (what a waste) and ammonia/water mix.

Pics of garden below.

Snow peas. The slugs destroyed a lot, and they had to be replanted, but they're doing just fine now. Harvested one meal's worth already.

A blurry shot of the veggie patch

Yellow bush beans plus one of the boys' shovels.

Beets. I went a bit overboard with planting, but Nicole really likes them, so why not, right? Swiss Chard just behind which has provided two meal's worth; and more to come. The SC is surprisingly tender and tasty; not at all bitter.

Cucumbers with home made trellis. Next year, I will plant cukes directly instead of transplanting. They germinate very quickly and are quick to grow.

Tomatoes, with carrots in front. Skeptical friends: note the height of the tomatoes. I rest my case.

A close up for my skeptical friends. It's a 6' fence, and those plants are about 5' up.

Zucchini plant with boot, a bit blurry.